
amount of time has expired, the router will disconnect the
5. Click Apply. If the router displays a dialogue box that says
Values are saved. Do you really want to reboot the system
now?” click Cancel. We will reboot the router after all the
changes are made.
In many cases, you will be able to connect to your ISP without
adjusting any of your router’s communication settings.
However, if your ISP assigns you a domain name or URL
(e.g.,jonesfamily.net) or if your ISP tells you to communicate with
a particular Domain Name System (DNS) server, you will need to
enter this information into the router. (A DNS server translates
the domain name or URL into the numeric designationor IP
addressof the computer that maintains that web site.)
To correctly configure the router to connect to the Internet, you
may need the following information from your ISP:
The domain name you were assigned by your ISP
The name your computer was assigned by your ISP
The IP addresses of the primary and secondary Domain
Name System (DNS) servers used by your ISP. The IP
address is a four-part number separated by periods.
(You can also configure the router to automatically
obtain the DNS server address from your ISP.)
Once you have all this information, you are ready to configure
your router to communicate with your ISP:
1. In the menu on the left of the screen, click on Basic
Configuration and then WAN. This displays the WAN
Configuration, Dynamic IP screen (see Figure 11).
Figure 11 WAN Configuration, Dynamic IP Screen
2. In the Domain Name field, enter the domain name you were
assigned by your ISP.
3. In the Computer Name field, enter the name your computer
was assigned by your ISP.
4. Under the DNS Server fields, select Auto to have the router
automatically obtain the DNS server information from your
ISP. Select Manual if you want to enter DNS server
information by hand.
5. If you select Manual under DNS Server, enter the IP
address of the primary and secondary (if available) DNS
server used by your ISP. Be sure to enter the four separate
parts of the IP address into the four separate boxes in the