Learn- v.It is the ability to transfer functions
from your original remote to your Kameleon-
C6 Remote.See “The Learning Feature”on
page 17.
Learning Feature- n.The Learning Feature is
a feature of your Kameleon-C6 Remote that
allows it to “learn”functions from your original
remote. See page 17.
Macro- v.To program a sequence of actions
into one key press.See “Creating Other
Macros” on page 20.
Original Remote- n.Refers to the original
remote control that your Kameleon-C6 Remote
is replacing.
PIP- n. short for Picture in Picture.It is one of
the TV/Set-top box controls on your
Kameleon-C6 Remote.
Power- n. Power is a key on the top middle of
your Kameleon-C6 remote.See your
“Kameleon-C6 Keypad Overview”on page 6.
PVR- n.short for Personal Video Recorder. It is
one of the devices that can be programmed
under the DVD and VCR device mode key on
your Kameleon-C6 Remote.
Setup,Setup Key- n.It is a key on the top
middle of your Kameleon-C6 Remote.It is
mainly used in all of the programming steps.
See “Kameleon-C6 Keypad Overview”on page 6.
TV- n.short for Television.It is one of the
device modes on your Kameleon-C6 Remote.
See “Kameleon-C6 Keypad Overview”on page 6.
TV/VCR Combo- n.It is a device that includes
both a TV and a VCR in one unit.See “Trouble
Shooting”on page 23.
VCR- n.short for Video Cassette Recorder. It is
one of the device modes on your Kameleon-C6
Remote.See “Kameleon-C6 Keypad Overview “
on page 6.
VOD- n. short for Video on Demand.It is one
of the Macro keys on your Kameleon-C6
Remote.See “Kameleon-C6 Keypad Overview”
on page 6.
Glossary 25
Batteries\Keypad OverviewGlossary\Trouble Shooting Programming Remote
Advanced Options
Manufacturer Codes