By turning the right rotary control, you can access
two further screens containing details about the
selected traffic obstruction.
The second details screen indicates the section in
which the traffic obstruction is located and the
third, the information about the obstruction
provided by the TMC provider.
If there are traffic obstructions on the route, the
navigation system will also show you the estimated
delay that they are likely to cause. This is shown in
the third details screen.
Press the right rotary control in order to return to
the list of road obstructions.
TMC traffic information independent of radio station
(with optional MT 5011 TMC receiver)
With the optionally available MT 5011 dynamic TMC receiver, you are always informed
of the current traffic situation. The MT 5011 receives the current local TMC traffic
information regardless of the radio station being listing to.
Activate the “Ext. TMC Receiver“ in the “Settings –> TMC source” menu, in
order to use the TMC receiver as the source for traffic announcements.
The new setting is only active after re-starting the system.
The TMC traffic announcements received by the TMC receiver are then used
exclusively for navigation, regardless of the radio and Info menu settings.
Selecting a TMC station:
In the navigation main menu, select “Traffic info”.
Select “TMC Provider” in the “Traffic info” menu.
Select the L symbol.
The list of available TMC stations is displayed.
Select the desired station from the list.
If the selected TMC station can no longer be received, the TMC receiver switches to
“Automatic” and searches for the TMC station with the strongest signal.
Select “Automatic” for the station with the best reception to be automatically
selected for evaluation of the TMC data.
Every time the ignition is switched off, “Automatic” mode is activated
Mannheim ->
Viernheimer Kreuz
TMC Provider
2 km queuing
Calculated delay:
9 minutes