
Operating Manual
Vertex Standard Co., Ltd.
3. Rotate the [SELECT] knob to select Menu item “044 A1A DELAY”.
Advice: Press the [SELECT] knob to toggle the Menu item display between “044
A1A” and “DELAY”.
4. Start sending, rotate the [CLAR/VFO-B] knob so that the hang time is as you
prefer for comfortable operation.
5. When you are finished, press and hold in the [MENU] button for two seconds to
save the new setting and exit to normal operation.
CW Pitch Adjustment
You may allow adjustment of the center frequency of the receiver passband, as well as
the pitch of your offset CW carrier, to the tone you prefer via the Menu item “045 A1A
PITCH”. The tone may be varied between 300 Hz and 1050 Hz, in 50 Hz steps.
1. Press the [MENU] button to enter the Menu mode.
2. Rotate the [SELECT] knob to select Menu item “045 A1A PITCH”.
Advice: Press the [SELECT] knob to toggle the Menu item display between “045
A1A” and “PITCH”.
3. Rotate the [CLAR/VFO-B] knob to select the desired tone.
4. When you are finished, press and hold in the [MENU] button for two seconds to
save the new setting and exit to normal operation.
Advice: You may confirm the Spot tone frequency when pressing the [SPOT] button.
The frequency display will shows the Spot tone frequency.
Terminology: CW Pitch: If you tuned to an exact “zero beat” on an incoming CW signal,
you could not copy it (“Zero beat” implies a 0 Hz tone). Therefore, the receiver is offset
several hundreds of Hz (typically), so as to allow your ear to detect the tone. The BFO
offset associated with this tuning (that produces the comfortable audio tone) is called
the CW Pitch.
Contest Memory Keyer
The FT-950 in capable of the automatic sending of CW messages (as you might do in a
contest). Two techniques for message storage are available: you may either send the
desired message contents using your keyer paddle (“Message Memory”), or you may
input the text characters using the Main Dial Tuning knob and [CLAR/VFO-B] knobs
(“Text Memory”).