
2005 Directed Electronics—all rights reserved
QQuuiicckk RReeffeerreennccee GGuuiiddee
TToo aarrmm uussiinngg yyoouurr rreemmoottee
To arm the system press for one second. The doors will lock (if con-
nected). The LED will begin to flash. The vehicle’s horn (if connected)
will honk and the parking lights will flash once to confirm arming.
TToo ddiissaarrmm uussiinngg yyoouurr rreemmoottee
To disarm the system press for one second. The doors will unlock (if
connected). The vehicle’s horn (if connected) will honk twice and the
parking lights will flash twice.
DDiissaabblliinngg tthhee FFaaiillssaaffee
SSttaarrtteerr KKiillll wwiitthhoouutt aa ttrraannssmmiitttteerr
Turn on the ignition. Press and release the Valet button within 10 sec-
onds. The LED will stop flashing and the vehicle should start.
TToo rreemmoottee ssttaarrtt tthhee vveehhiiccllee
Press twice within 3 seconds. The parking lights will turn on (if con-
nected) and the vehicle will start and run for the programmed duration.
TToo eenntteerr oorr eexxiitt VVaalleett MMooddee
Turn the ignition to the "ON" position. Turn the ignition back off. Press
and release the Valet button within 10 seconds. The status LED will light
steadily if you have entered Valet Mode. To exit Valet Mode, repeat the
steps above. The LED will turn off when exiting Valet Mode.
TToo aaccttiivvaattee PPaanniicc MMooddee
Press and hold for 1.5 seconds.
TToo aaccttiivvaattee TTiimmeerr MMooddee
Press and to start the vehicle, and run it for the set duration.
TToo aaccttiivvaattee TTuurrbboo MMooddee
Park the vehicle and set parking brake. Remove your foot from the brake pedal
and leave the engine running. Press and release the and buttons.
TToo ddiissaabbllee tthhee rreemmoottee ssttaarrtt ssyysstteemm
To disable the remote start, move the shutdown toggle switch to the OFF
LLooccaattiioonn ooff SShhuuttddoowwnn SSwwiittcchh____________________________________________________________
CCuutt aalloonngg ddootttteedd lliinnee aanndd ffoolldd ffoorr aa qquuiicckk aanndd eeaassyy rreeffeerreennccee ttoo kkeeeepp iinn yyoouurr ppuurrssee oorr wwaalllleett..