
ADM/DSS Console
Strata CIX DP5000-series Telephone UG 02/08 71
Adding an ADM
For installation instructions, please refer to the Strata CIX Installation & Maintenance.
Please read the caution, if you are connecting the ADM with the telephone or moving
the telephone with the ADM.
CAUTION! Unplug the line cord from the DP5000-series telephone before
attaching the ADM. Plugging the ADM cable in while the
DP5000-series telephone is powered will damage or impair the
functionality of the telephone, ADM or both.
Brightness Control
³ To change the Brightness Control for a 10 button LCD add on module, refer to
“Brightness Control” on page 13.
Keystrip Labels
³ To label the keystrip buttons on the 10 button LCD add on module, refer to
“Keystrip Labels” on page 15.