Thermostat User Guide
LED Displays
The Thermostat Control Screen has the following LED and on-screen labels numbered from top to bottom.
LED 1 Green: System Operation display•
Sys Off• displayed = HVAC system is OFF; LED Off.
WAIT• displayed = Minimum Off Time (MOT)delay is active; LED Off (Note: See pages 25 and 30 for more
information on the Minimum Off Timer)
Cool On• displayed = Cooling system is running; LED On.
Cool On• displayed = Cooling Min Run Time (MRT); LED On. (Note: See pages 25 and 30 for more information on
the Minimum Run Timer)
Heat On• displayed = Heating system is running; LED On.
Heat On• displayed = Heating Minimum Run Time (MRT); LED On. (Note: See pages 25 and 30 for more
information on the Minimum Run Timer)
LED 2 Green: System Stage display•
No display = 1st stage heating or cooling. LED Off.•
2nd Stg• displayed = Stage 2 heating or cooling is active. LED On.
Aux Heat• displayed = Stage 3 heating is active. LED On.
LED 3 Green: Run/Hold/ESM display. Shows state of Schedule Run/Hold Mode.•
Run• displayed = Schedule mode is active. LED Off.
Hold• displayed = Temperature hold is active. LED On.
ESM• displayed = (Energy Savings Mode) Temperature preset is active. LED On.
LED 4 RED: Alert LED. Used for other system alerts•
No display = No alerts or messages. LED Off.•
Filter• displayed = Filter run timer reached. LED On.
Maint• displayed = Maintenance run timer reached. LED On.