
In order to satisfy the demands of a variety of playing situations, we decided to offer the Custom Classic in
a number of different configurations. While the amplifier chassis specifications are identical, different speaker
options are available as follows:
AC30CC1: 1x12" combo with a custom voiced VOX NeoDog speaker
AC30CC2: 2x12" combo with a pair of custom designed GSH12-30 speakers which add a top end mel-
lowness and smooth bass response
AC30CC2X: 2x12" combo with the world revered Celestion “Blue” 15 watt AlNiCo speakers as used in
the original AC30 combo
AC30CCH: Head
Three speaker cabinets are available for use with the AC30CCH or as extension cabinets for the
combos. They are:
V212BN: 2x12" cabinet with two GSH 12-30 speakers
V212BNX: 2x12" cabinet with Celestion “Blue” AlNiCo speakers
V412BN/BL: 4x12" cabinet with two GSH 12-30 speakers