The ultimate game of skill and strategy: You’ve
got to get more of the board filled with your
discs than your opponent’s. There are white
discs on one side, black discs on the other.
You and your opponent alternate placing discs
on to the board, placing them so they enclose
your rival’s pieces. Doing so will convert your
rival’s discs to your color. You can move
vertically, horizontally or diagonally.
Takes Tic Tac Toe to a new dimension. The
first player who gets “3-in-a-row” in any
direction wins. Before starting, select the level
you want to play. Use the arrow keys, the cursor
pad or the mouse to move to the place you
want to put your chip. You can use the Tab key
to change the perspective of the playing field.
The objective of Pegged is to remove all but 1
peg from the board. First select the level of
difficulty you wish to play. Find an open space,
then find a Peg (Peg1) next to it that you want
to delete. Then find a peg (Peg 2) next to Peg
1 that you want to delete. Press Enter to select
the Peg2, then use the arrow keys to select
the open space and press Enter. Peg 2 will
now move to the open space, deleting Peg1 in
the process. Only horizontal and vertical jumps
are allowed. At any time, you can select the
Undo command to undo your last action(s) or
select Restart to restart a new game. The
game is over when you have only 1 peg left
(YOU WIN!!) or you have no more valid moves
available (you lose).