VULCAN-HART F-32971 Rev. F (December 2011)
Hot oil and parts can cause burns. Use care when operating,
cleaning and servicing the fryer.
Spilling hot frying compound can cause severe burns. Do not move
fryer without draining all frying compound from the tank.
Never run water or boil out solution through filter and motor / pump. Doing so
will void your fryer warranty.
Oil Temperature should be 300-350° F. Use the provided crumb scoop to remove and suspend
crumbs on the bottom of the tank before proceeding to Step 1.
1. Do not turn off the Fryer. The power must be on throughout the entire filtering process.
Do NOT heat the fryer during the filtering procedure. Permanent damage to your fry
tank may occur and warranty may be voided.
2. Vulcan recommends adding an oil treatment media to the oil prior to filtering.
3. Make sure that the filter drawer is closed completely and that the suction tube and
receptacle block are in the correct position. Fig. 5
Fig. 5