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5. Pour deliming solution into the steam
generator slowly to avoid spillage.
6. Remove funnel from delime port then rinse
port with clean water.
7. Lightly coat delime port threads with Petrol-
Gel then install delime port cap. Cap must
be installed and tightened securely at all
8. Turn power switch ON.
9. When ready light comes on, turn cooking
timer on for 3 minutes to delime the steam
tubes and nozzles.
10. After 40 minutes, turn power switch OFF
and allow steam generator to completely
drain, 5 minutes.
11. Rinse steam generator with clean water:
A. Turn power switch ON. When ready light
comes on, turn cooking timer on for 3
minutes to rinse the steam tubes and
B. Turn power switch OFF and allow steam
generator to completely drain.
C. Turn cooking timer to OFF.
D. Repeat steam generator rinse one time.
12. Clean exterior and interior using a mild
solution of soap and water. Rinse with clean
water then dry with a soft cloth.
13. Leave compartment door open when not in
14.The steamer is ready for operation or
Basic Unit (Manual Drain Lever)
Note: This procedure is not intended to take
the place of a water treatment program.
1. Pull drain lever out to open generator drain
and turn unit off. Wait 5 minutes for steam
generator to completely drain.
2. Turn cooking timer to OFF.
3. Prepare deliming solution according to the
instructions on the deliming material
package. Follow all manufacturer's
4. Remove delime port cap on top of unit and
insert funnel into delime port.
5. Lightly coat delime port threads with Petrol-
6. Push drain lever in to close the drain valve
and turn the unit on.
7. Pour deliming solution into the steam
generator slowly to avoid spillage.
8. Immediately remove funnel from delime port
then rinse port with clean water.
9. Immediately install delime port cap. Cap
must be installed and tightened securely at
all times.
Note: Steps 6, 7, 8 and 9 must be completed
within a 5-minute time period.
10. After 30 minutes, turn cooking timer on for
3 minutes to delime the steam tubes and
11. After 50 minutes, pull drain lever out to turn
the unit off and allow steam generator to
completely drain, 5 minutes.
12. Rinse steam generator with clean water:
A. Push drain lever in to close drain and
turn power on. Wait 20 minutes then turn
cooking timer on for 30 seconds to rinse
the steam tubes and nozzles.
B. Pull drain lever in and allow steam
generator to completely drain.
C. Turn cooking timer to OFF.
D. Repeat steam generator rinse one time.
13. Clean exterior and interior using a mild
solution of soap and water. Rinse with clean
water then dry with a soft cloth.
14. Leave compartment door open when not in
15. The steamer is ready for operation or