© National Instruments Corporation A-1 VXI-MXI User Manual
Appendix A
Capability Codes
Capability Code Description
MA32, MA24, MA16 Master Mode A32, A24, and A16 addressing
SA32, SA24, SA16 Slave Mode A32, A24, and A16 addressing
MD32, MD16, MD08(EO) Master Mode D32, D16, and D08 data sizes
SD32, SD16, SD08(EO) Slave Mode D32, D16, and D08 data sizes
MBLOCK Master Mode block transfers
SBLOCK Slave Mode block transfers
MRMW Master Mode Read/Modify/Write
SRMW Slave Mode Read/Modify/Write
PRI Prioritized arbitration
ROR Release on Request bus requester
IH Interrupt Handler
IR Interrupt Requester
ROAK Release on Acknowledge interrupter
BTO Bus Timeout
SC Optional VMEbus System Controller
IACK IACK daisy-chain driver
Capability Code Description
TRIG+1 Supports TTLTRIG0:7 and ECLTRIG0:1 trigger lines
and full protocol operations for each. The VXI-MXI
may participate in only one protocol operation at a time.