Table of Baseband Measurement Spans (part 5 of 6)
All values are in Hertz (Hz).
sample frequency
(Fs) —>
133333 153600 156250
number of
÷2 steps
with ÷5 without ÷5 with ÷5 without ÷5 with ÷5 without ÷5
0 10416.666667 52083.333333* 12000.000000 60000.000000* 12207.031250 61035.156250*
1 5208.333333 26041.666667 6000.000000 30000.000000 6103.515625 30517.578125
2 2604.166667 13020.833333 3000.000000 15000.000000 3051.757813 15258.789063
3 1302.083333 6510.416667 1500.000000 7500.000000 1525.878906 7629.394531
4 651.041667 3255.208333 750.000000 3750.000000 762.939453 3814.697266
5 325.520833 1627.604167 375.000000 1875.000000 381.469727 1907.348633
6 162.760417 813.802083 187.500000 937.5000000 190.734863 953.674316
7 81.380208 406.901042 93.750000 468.750000 95.367432 476.837158
8 40.690104 203.450521 46.875000 234.375000 47.683716 238.418579
9 20.345052 101.725260 23.437500 117.187500 23.841858 119.209290
10 10.172526 50.862630 11.718750 58.593750 11.920929 59.604645
11 5.086263 25.431315 5.859375 29.296875 5.960464 29.802322
12 2.543132 12.715658 2.929688 14.648438 2.980232 14.901161
13 1.271566 6.357829 1.464844 7.324219 1.490166 7.450581
14 0.635783 3.178914 0.732422 3.662109 0.745058 3.725290
15 0.317891 1.58947 0.366211 1.831055 0.372529 1.862645
16 0.158946 0.79729 0.183105 0.915527 0.186265 0.931323
* For the top span, the 3 dB bandwidth is 1.15 times span shown.
To select sample frequency for time domain data, first divide the desired sample
frequency by 2.56 to convert it to a measurement span. Then locate the closest
measurement span on this table and choose the corresponding sample frequency at
the top of the table.
VT1433B User's Guide
Using the VT1433B