VT1536A Isolated Digital Input/Output SCP 13
Note The INP:DEB:TIME generate the error 3108, "E1536 debounce - each
referenced 4 Ch bank must contain at least one input". This error indicates
that you tried to set a debounce time for a bank of channels that contains no
input configured channel.
To set the debounce period to 153.6 ms for the lower 4 channels on an
VT1536A in SCP position 0 send:
INP:DEB 0.1536,(@100:103)
To set the debounce period to 1.229 seconds for the upper 4 channels on an
VT1536A in SCP position 3 send:
INP:DEB 1.229,(@128:131)
There is also the query form;
INPut:DEBounce:TIME? (@<channel>)
where <channel> must specify a single channel. INP:DEB:TIME? returns
the currently set debounce period.
Configuring Output
Channel Polarity
To configure output channel polarity use the command:
OUTPut:POLarity INVerted | NORMal,(@<ch_list>)
To configure the fifth and sixth channels on an VT1536A in SCP position 4
to output normal polarity (logical 1=relay on) and its next 2 channels to
output inverted polarity (logical 1=relay off) send:
OUTP:POL NORM,(@136,137)
NORM is *RST default
OUTP:POL INV,(@138,139)
There is also the query form; OUTPut:POLarity? (@<channel>), where
<channel> must specify a single channel.
OUTP:POL? returns "NORM" or
Notes 1. The OUTPut:POL command will generate the error 3107, "Channel
data direction conflicts with command" if any channel in <ch_list> is
configured as an input.
2. An output channel's SS relay will not change from the *RST state
(open) regardless of its
POLarity setting, until an algorithm writes a
value to that channel.