Standard overi wa!ls are coated w+th smooth porcelain-enamel You:
continuous-clea’ing ‘:;‘V’en woI!s are coated with a special. rougher
porcelain-enan e
A fat spatter beads up on the smnoth surface but spreads out on the rougher
surface. The bead of tat cnars and turns black. The spread-out fat gradually
burns away at medium to high baking temperatures (350 -475 F, 176 -231 C) so
the oven can return to a presentable clean condition
Fat Spc:l+er
Fat Spatter
Beads ki;:
Spreads Out,
Turns Blor~
Burns Away
Standard porcel(Jln-enamel
Continuous-cleaning porcelain-enamel
Foil must be used an the lower oven bottom to catch spillovers. The toil must be
used properly.
Cut foil from a roll (rf heavv-duty ?ti-Ini.!
[45 cm] aluminum foil, or buy a foli kit
(Part No 241430) fronl vo(Jr Whrrlpool Applanse oealer
Lift the cool bake element
slightly to lift the feet off tnt
oven bottom
Sl~dt: :+~e
under the bake
Make ;k<e :oii IS centered,
[ong ynouyh to start up both
sides .Jnd without wrinkles
For proper Daklng, lower the
bake element so all feet
rest solidly on the foil.