2. Men~re and lightly mark e line 8VAnches
from the right window jamb.
NOTE: lf any sash stop protrudes more than
1 inch from the side window jambs, the
8W4nch measurement must be increased
accordingly. Screen and storm window frames
may also require adjustments to the measure-
3. Center the platform ueembfy on the line
with the inside platform tab pressed against
the inside edge of the window track. Using the
holes in the platform as a guide, mark and drill
two !&-inch diameter holes. Drill holes in
either track or stool.
Proper Dammge Hazard
Be sure the wood stool or window track is
securely attached to the building construc-
tion. Use longer screws into the sub-
framing ff necessary.
Failure to follow the above precaution could
result in damage to the window or air
4. Peel off the protecthro backing from the
track seal. Apply seal to the room side of the
window track. The center of the seal strip
should coincide with the line marked in Step
The two screw holes drilled in Step 3 should
be directly above the seal strip in the inner
5. Securely attach a riding-protection board
to the side of the house.
To avoid permanent siding damage, attach the
siding-protection board to the base of the
support brace as shown.
NOTE: The siding-protection board should be
long enough to span 2 wall studs.
Centor pl&orm uoembly on the
line with pl&orm bb prwud
eghst window tmclr
Alternate screw bc8Uon PI&form
IMina on atool bb