Packaged Frozen Food
Store on freezer door
shelf or In the freezer If you plan to store It for a long
he. re-wrap It with aluminum foil or plastic wrap
Frozen Meats-
The followlng hints WIII help
keep the quality In your frozen meats
1. Freeze meat whtle fresh and in top condition
2. Use only recommended wrapplng mater/a/s
3. Prepare the meat for freezlng before wrap-
ping it Trim off excess fat and remove bones
when practical Meat should not be salted
because salt shortens freezer IIre.
Wrap tightly. pressing out as much air as
fret?zer se ~+ ar IS deslgned for storage of com-
rr py 131’ ” !‘OZf.‘,
fnods and for freezlng foods at
5. Label and date It
-~c)r? lr3
6. Refreezing thawed meat IS not recommended
+ps e
sh?::l: tSh::Ez::ices Store On freezer door
he secret of successful freezlng IS
‘# *he uackagir8g [tie wrap
use must be air.
m5i.,rp .:.
,I ‘v(?i:~or proof The way you close and
SXI ‘r,e C,ackc le must not allow air, moisture or
.‘lKJ“ I ‘I OUi
Storage times given in this chart are only a
guide. For best use of freezer space, keep fro-
zen foods for short times. Use, then replace as
R~:J d 1‘ T’,jeth,, en? (plastlcl containers with tight-
Bread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 months
Cooked Dishes . . . . 2-3 months
* *.
“1~ 113; stra
canning freezlng jars,
Fish and Seafoods
’ r 3 . II
~rl~~rrl lo11 plastlc-coclted paper and
i:’ ~rIe~?lzat31e plastic ;uraps (sue/? as Saran) are
Fresh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6months
2~ Lrr~me-aed ‘dole Heat-sealed boiling bags are
Commercially Frozen . l-3 months
3:sy to use am:
Fruits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6months
can be used by themselves or as
Ice Cream . . 1 month
m+dr, llr?ers
Concentrated Juice.. 4-6 months
IMPORTANT: Do not expect your freezer to qulck-
Bacon . . . . Less than 1 month
freeze any large quantlty of food. leave enough
Pork roasts, chops . . 3-4 months
space for air to circulate around packages. Be
Sausage . . . 1-2 months
careful to leave enough room at the front so the
Beef, veal, lamb roasts . 6 months
door can close tightly.
Ground meat . . . . . . 1-2 months
Poultry . . . . . . . . . . 3-4 months
Ice Cream
‘~!ore sn the freezer Once the pack-
Vegetables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 months
jgbi ,3 <~:;er~qC! ;,lacf~ o p,ece of olum~num foil or
hakeu paper s:’ ~io’i-~y agalnst the Ice cream sur-
‘Courtesy of Natlonal Live Sock and Meat Board
)( t’ -t- ’ ,I. I pri :er t -
1~2 crystals from formlng
‘Courtesy of U S D.P,.
Vacation and moving care
Short vacations. . .
Unplug the refrigerator and clean it. rinse well
No need to shl;t off the retrlgerator If you
and dry Tape rubber or wood blocks to both doors
uwcq for less than four weeKs Use up perishables,
keeping them open far enough for air to get in
freeze other Iterr
keep odor and mold from building up
Long vacation... . .
Remove aI1 the ‘cod If yoc~ are going for a month
jr ‘r: c,re
1 0
Tape the blocks out of a child’s reach...do
not allow children near the refrigerator when
the doors are blocked open.
To restart refrigerator. see “Using Your Refrigerator ’