Please read this
Use and Care Guide
before you do anything else.. .
This booklet tells you how to start your retrig-
erator, clean it. move shelves and adjust con-
trols. It even tells you what new sounds to expect
from your refrigerator.
Treat your new refrigerator with care. Use it
only to do what home refrigerators are de-
signed to do.
Parts and features
1 Egg:::
- Butter
Copy your Model and Serial Numbers here...
When you need service, or call with a question,
have this Information ready
Model Number
ComDlete Model and Serial Numbers [from the
label’located as shown).
2. Purchase date from sales slop
Serial Number
Copy this Information In these spaces. Keep this
book, your warranty and sales Slip together in a
handy plcce There is no warranty reglstratlon to re-
Purchase Date
turn. Proof-of-purchase IS all that is required for In-
warranty sewice
Service Company and Telephone Number