
Freezing food in your freezer
2. 3ring front and back of wrapping together
ond fold in toward food makIng oi east +wc
or’e~,rch# ~2 5 cm
1 f~~las url+ fclod ‘*s ‘iyhtlb
Wherl freezer has cooled +c u safe storayr?
temperature it may be loaded ws+h frozen food.
When you plan to freeze unfrozen food, SFJ~
the followrng chart for the arrour‘: to freeze ,a+
one time.
19.1 cu. ft.
(545.5 L)
38.2 Ibs. 57.3 Ibs.
(17.2 kg.) (25.8 kg.)
‘These amounts are based on USDA recommer-
dotions If too mony packages of Iurfrozen foot?
are packed at one ttme Into the freezer +he rate
of freezing 1s too slow Poor qualit\, products result
3. Crease erds Close
+C foi:d ‘0 e18mro+e 011
4. 3ress a1101r fro-r package Fold each er;d over
twce ‘vloke sure fola
IS t,gPi
orld fosrer~
ogarst era cf oockage w thl freezer tape
NOTE: ‘Wher packaging meats that have r’ot
beers borled pad sharp eages \w 1’17 extro Arap
stockinette to protect against tearing or
Packaging and sealing food...
AIrtIght packaging
Important in freezlrng
foods Containers and wrapprngs should be
moisture and vapor-prool and packages should
be sealed carefully to keep mclrsture in and air
Freezer burn can result If food IS not properly
wrapped When this happens, fooa dehvdrotes
and IS of poor qualrty
To wrap foods...
Jse head\-dub olumnum freezer foil kroft pa
per with cellophane bonded to It, specicl freezer
bags jars carters and freezer searing tape for
packaging your food Items You II find them at the
supermarket or freezer dealer
See booklet, “How to Preserve Foods the
Modern Way with Your WHIRLPOOL Freezer,”
for complete information and tips on home
1. Cut sheet of wrapping matertcl about one-
thtrd longer than distance around food to be
wrapped Place wrapplng sheet OP flat sur-
face with food In center of sheet