1. Unplug ice maker or disconnect power.
2. Tip the front of the cabinet back and prop
it up (see steps 2 through 11 on pages 4-9
and 4-10 for the procedure).
3. To remove the hot gas valve solenoid
(see the photo at the top of the next
a) Disconnect the 2-wire connector from
the solenoid terminals.
b) Remove the 7mm hex-head screw from
the solenoid and lift the solenoid off the
hot gas valve.
2-Wire Connector 7mm Nut
4. To remove the hot gas valve:
a) Remove the solenoid from the hot gas
valve (see step 3 for the procedure).
b) Access the sealed system and dis-
charge the refrigerant into an approved
recovery system.
IMPORTANT: Refrigerant lines must be
connected by a licensed, EPA certifi ed
refrigerant technician in accordance with
established procedures.
c) Unbraze the hot gas valve from the
REASSEMBLY NOTE: When installing the new
hot gas valve, use a generous amount of thermal
heat trap paste between the valve and tubing
joints to protect the valve when brazing.
Hot Gas Valve
Valve Tubing Joints
Hot Gas Valve Solenoid
Hot Gas Valve & Solenoid
Electrical Shock Hazard
Disconnect power before servicing.
Replace all parts and panels before
Failure to do so can result in death or
electrical shock.