1 ,j
To remove surface
unit, lift and pull
straight out.
Hold surface unit level
when replacing.
Removing surface units and reflector bowls:
1. First. be sure the Surface Unit Controls are all “OFF“ and that the
surface units ari’ cool.
2. See where the surface units plug into the range’? Lift each surface
unit about an Inch (2.5 cm) at the edge away from the plug-in
(receptacle). Pull the unit straight away from the plug-in.
Do not
wash surface units; they will burn themselves clean during nor-
mal use.
3. Lift out the reflector bowls.
Replacing reflector bowls and surface units:
1. Be sure the surface unit controls are on “OFF”
2. Put the reflector bowls back into their places. Make sure you can see
the plug-ins (receptacles) for the surface units through the square
hole in the side of each bowl
3. Hold the surfac-e unit level with the prongs (terminals) pointing at
the plug-in
4. With the prong5 started In the plug-111. start pushing in on the surface
unit At the same time. lift a little on the side of the surface unit that‘s
by the plug-tn
5 Make sure the kurface-unit prongs are pushed into the plug-in as far
as they will g” The surface unit will fit into the reflector bowl and be
level when everything has been done right.
Removing and replacing upper oven rack guides
Lift the front of the rack guide. Swing it away from the oven wall
far enough for the tab to get clear of the slot In the oven wall. Pull the
guide straight out of the oven To put it back. fit the end of the rack guide
into the
holes in the back wall of the oven. Line up the tab on the
guide with the slot !n the side wall. Push It in and push down a little to lock
it in place
Cleaning under the cooktop:
Prop up the top with
support rod.
To clean the area under the cooktop. lift the front of the cooktop at
he center Raise the \wing-up rod to hold it. (Be sure the tip of the rod is
in the notch in the cooktop.) Use warm soapy water and a sponge or cloth.
Scouring powders or- any other abrasive cleaner may harm porcelain
enamel finishes and can scratch chrome.
Be careful not to raise the cooktop so high that it touches the upper
oven. And don’t drop it. Dropping the cooktop can chip or crack a hard
porcelain finish. or damage srde panels and surface units.