Space Heating Application
The FLASH T-K1S can be used for space heating as well as potable heating of hot water
• Toxic chemicals such as used for boiler treatments chemical, alcohol,
glycerol and glycol group will not be introduced into the system when used
for potable water and space heating.
• The FLASH T-K1S can be used to supply potable water and space heating and
shall not be connected to any heating system or component(s) previously
used with non-potable water where any chemicals were added to the water
heating appliances.
• When the system requires water for space heating at temperatures higher
than required for other used, a means such as a mixing valve shall be
installed to temper the water for those uses in order to reduce scald hazard
• Water temperature over 125 °F can cause severe burns instantly or death from
• Chemicals such as diluted Glycol can be used for radiant floor, Hydro-warm
air or Baseboard heating only.
Basic system drawings and Schematics.
Heating application only:
Warning: This illustration is for concept only. There are a wide variety of variations to the
application of controls and equipment presented applications. Designers must add all necessary
safety and auxiliary equipment to conform to code requirements and design practice. For more
details, contact Technical Department at (888) 882-5244