
Swimwear, items Rinse/Drain, Warm/Warm Extra High N/A Fan Fresh The default cycle is Rinse, Drain, &
that need rinsing only & Spin Warm/Cold Medium Spin. This cycle adds water, then
High Low uses high-speed tumbling and an
Cool/Cold Extra Low extra high-speed spin. For some
Cold/Cold No Spin fabrics, you may wish to set the
spin speed to a lower setting.
Wet load of clothes Rinse/Drain, N/A Extra High N/A Fan Fresh Select “None” for rinses. Use this
& Spin High cycle to spin excess water out of a
Medium load. This cycle drains the water
Low and spins at an extra-high speed.
Extra Low speed. Spin speed can be set to
No Spin a lower setting.
Custom My Cycle Custom Save your favorite cycle/setting
combinations. See the My Cycle
and Specialty Cycle section of
this guide.
No clothes in washer Clean Washer Make sure no clothes are in washer.
Use monthly with Affresh to clean
the interior of the washer.
Lightlysoiledcotton QuickWash Hot/Cold Extra High Heavy Extra Rinse For small loads (3-4 items) needed
or synthetic garments Warm/Cold High Normal FanFresh quickly. This cycle combines
Cool/Cold Medium Light Delay Start high-speed tumbling, a shortened
Cold/Cold Low wash time, and a high-speed spin
Extra Low for reduced drying times.
Jeans and denims Jeans Warm/Cold Medium Heavy Extra Rinse Cycle combines low-speed
Cool/Cold Low Normal Prewash tumbling and medium-speed spins
Cold/Cold Extra Low Light Presoak to provide gentle care for jeans and
No Spin FanFresh denims.
Blankets/Comforters Specialty Varies by cycle. See the My Cycle and Specialty Specialty Cycles provide custom
Pillows Cycles Cycle section of this guide. cycles for tackling common
Sheets/Linens household cleaning tasks. Refer to
Wool Sweaters the on-screen description for the
Kidswear individual cycles for additional
Sportswear details and available settings.
Business Wear
Items to wash: Cycle:
Cycle Details:
Load Size Recommendations
For best results, follow the load size recommendations noted for each cycle. For cycles without a load size
recommendation, follow on-screen instructions or see the Cycle Details.
Small load: Fill the washer drum with 3-4 items, not more than 1/4 full.
Medium load: Fill the washer drum up to about 1/2 full.
Large load: Fill the washer drum up to about 3/4 full.
Extra-large load: Fill the washer drum, but make sure clothes can tumble freely.
For best results, avoid packing tightly.
For additional cycle details and options, refer to the LCD display.
Settings and options shown in bold are default settings for that cycle.
For best performance, not all settings are available with each cycle, and some options cannot be used together.