Wolf Cinema Owner's Manual
3. ASCII Codes ASCII Codes
This section lists all ASCII message codes for controlling the projectors listed on page 3. To
fully understand how an adjustment works or what it does in the projector and/or image, always
consult the User’s Manual provided with your projector.
General Notes to Remember:
When aparameterfor aspecic sourcesetup isaccessed(see 2.5Accessing Specic•
Source Setups) an “S” is inserted between the command code (space) and P1 (no space
The smallest increment for adjusting any parameter is always 1.•
For some controls (Contrast, e.g.), the value displayed on the screen is a percentage while •
the actual hardware has a range of 0-255. In these cases, remember that ASCII values
are correlations to the screen values, and will not match numerically (ASCII 0 = 0%, ASCII
128=50.2%, etc.).
ACE Auto Color Enable
Levels, Odd Pixel Adjustment, Color Temp Adjust adjustments, etc.
ADR Projector Number
ADR identies orsets the projector’s assigned number (0-999)so that it canbe controlled
separately within a group of linked projectors. To change the Ethernet IP address via ASCII, see
AGC Automatic Gain Control
AGC automatically tracks the sync amplitude of the incoming signal.
AIL Auto Input Levels
AIL allows the projector to continuously monitor the input signal levels and make adjustments as
necessary to prevent crushing.
APJ Active Projector
projector in a network of projectors. APJ is essentially the same as using the
key, and is
best understood as a way of changing a projector’s listening status even though
still work. NOTES: 1) APJ does not affect the built-in keypad. 2) An APJ to disable the keypad
does not change the state of the Communications menu checkboxes for Front IR, Rear IR, Wired
keypad—these will remain checked (on). 3) The keypads revert to “enabled” after a power-down,
or if the projector is unplugged and plugged in again.
APR Iris
Used APR to adjust the Iris size from 0-9. Raise to improve contrast, lower to improve
(APR K2) - start increasing the aperture size (higher brightness)
(APR K3) - start decreasing the aperture size (higher contrast)
(APR K0) - stop changing the aperture size
To “nudge” the aperture size, script in a delay between (APR K3) and (APR K0). Depending on
3.1 ACE
Auto Color Enable
3.2 ADR
Projector Number
3.3 AGC
Automatic Gain Control
3.4 AIL
Auto Input Levels
3.5 APJ
Active Projector
3.6 APR