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D. Privacy Number
The privacy number feature is useful for preventing unwanted (prank) entry phone calls from visitors.
If a privacy number has been programmed, an off hook entry phone is given 4 seconds of dial tone to
allow the visitor to enter the privacy number. If the visitor enters the correct privacy number, the
DCH4 will ring the house phones. If they enter an incorrect number, they will be disconnected. If a
privacy number is not programmed, then an off-hook entry phone will immediately ring the house
phones. Note: The “Privacy Number” may be programmed with the first 6 digits of the actual
home/office phone number. Visitors may dial the actual 7-digit phone number as if they are making an
actual telephone call to the home/office.
E. Keyless Entry Codes and One Time Use Keyless Entry Codes
Touch Tone keyless entry codes may be used by the tenants to provide keyless entry. Each entry
phone may have up to 6 keyless entry codes. There are also up to 6 master keyless entry codes
which can be used at all four entry locations. If a keyless entry code has been programmed, an off-
hook entry phone is given 4 seconds of dial tone before ringing the house phone. During this time a
Touch Tone “#” + the “keyless entry code” may be entered. A correct keyless entry code will provide
a timed doorstrike activation for that entry phone location. One time use keyless entry codes function
as described above but can only be used ONCE. After the one time use keyless entry code has been
used, it is instantly cleared from the DCH4’s memory. This is ideal for issuing keyless entry codes to
service personnel, etc. Note: A short buzz sound indicates when the relay has been activated and the
visitor can now open the door.
F. Operation Commands
Touch Tone Commands
Activate doorstrike relay * *
Continuously activate (latch) doorstrike relay * 1
Continuously de-activate (unlatch) doorstrike relay * 0
Toggle relay from last position * #
Answer or disconnect an entry phone call #
Monitor entry phone 1 # 1
Monitor entry phone 2 # 2
Monitor entry phone 3 # 3
Monitor entry phone 4 # 4