Preparing for installation
Installation Planning Guide 4-3
NOTE: Operating system software is not the same for all printing
systems. Therefore, make sure that your system specialists are
familiar with the operating system software that is specific to your
DocuPrint system. If your system specialists are familiar with one
operating systems and you are converting to, or adding another,
they should be familiar with the differences.
Site personnel Identify the person (or persons) at your site who will be the
primary interface with Xerox.
After the installation of the printing system, there are a few
ongoing tasks that must be performed. These tasks may include
all or some of the following:
• Meter reading and reporting
• Overseeing routine maintenance
• Placing service calls for hardware problems
• Ordering additional documentation, software, or fonts
• Arranging additional operator training
• Maintaining an adequate inventory of consumable supplies.
It is your responsibility to designate a person (or persons) to
perform these tasks.
Operator and
systems training
Select personnel for operator and systems training and set up a
training schedule.
Site preparation Select and prepare the site for system installation (including
proper power, air conditioning, and work space). If connecting to
other equipment, obtain the necessary interfaces, cables,
transceivers, phone lines, and so forth.
Install the necessary network components required to connect
client workstations to the printing system. Refer to the Getting
Ready for Installation manual for details.
Obtain and install fully populated bus and tag cables required to
connect the host to the printing system. Refer to the Getting
Ready for Installation manual for details.
Make sure all client workstations that will be submitting print jobs
have the proper hardware, operating system, and networking
software required by the printing system as client platforms.