VI PDF Originator User’s Guide
FreeFlow Variable Information Suite 5.0 (7/2006) VIPO-41
Job Name
The name of the job you submitted. When the job is complete, you can display the job
files generated via VIPO Web by clicking the Job Name link for the desired job. Clicking
a displayed file link causes the file to be displayed on your system; how it is displayed
depends on how your system is configured to handle the various file types.
Job Status
The Job Status of your submitted job is displayed in this part of the table. If the job failed
or did not process properly, this entry will contain an explanation of the failure, including
information about errors and how VIPO handled the job.
Pages Distilled
The total number of pages created in PDF format.
Pages Split
The number of pages split in the job. A split file may have more than one page within it. For
example, an original PDF containing three bookmarks is split into three PDF files. If each split
PDF file consists of four pages, the total of the split pages is twelve.
Files Generated
The number of files generated by your job.