System Guide Troubleshooting
Common Controller 9-3
• Inoperable system: The inoperable system has experienced
an unrecoverable software error due to a job or operator
• Job flow: Jobs sent from the client are not received at a
printer queue.
• Job integrity: The output from the printer is not as expected,
such as missing pages, missing data, incorrect page
orientation, incorrectly ordered sets, or job attribute
• PDL problem isolation: Questions that a System
Administrator may ask the job submitters when they are
experiencing problems with printing.
• Process problems: A process was followed incorrectly or
• Productivity and performance: The job takes an excessive
amount of time to complete.
• Save problems: A job was submitted from a client with a
Save destination, but the job is not saved.
Client problems
Client problems are handled differently depending on the client
platform used.
Windows problems
A job is submitted from a Windows client and is not received by
the printer queue.
If the Xerox Document Submission client application does not
run properly or the job cannot be submitted to a queue, perform
the following:
1. The user must exit the Xerox Document Submission and
Windows applications
2. Verify the user is logged on to the appropriate file server.
3. Restart the Xerox Document Submission software at the
client workstation.
Macintosh problems
A job is submitted from a Macintosh client and the printer queues
cannot be viewed.