Communicating indicator, 115
Communication Failure Report
, 195
Communication Page Count
, 9
Communication Result Report
, 194
Compatible machines
, 277
Confidential File indicator
, 209
Confidential File Report
, 213
Confirming a transmission
, 120
Confirming by e-mail
, 193
Confirming by report
, 192, 197
Confirming by report and e-mail
, 193
Confirming on display
, 191, 196
Confirming the reservations for
SEP Code Reception
, 112
Confirming the result of a
SEP Code Reception
, 113
Confirming the results of transfer
, 158
Confirming transmission results
by e-mail
, 128, 252
Creating a cover sheet
, 258
CSI→Own Fax Number
, 150
Delete, 208, 218, 272
Delete File
, 237
Deleting a destination from a
Simultaneous Broadcast
, 176
Deleting a program
, 272
Deleting a stored document
, 237
Deleting fax information using a
Web browser
, 263
Deleting Information Box documents
, 218
Deleting programmed destinations
, 256
Deleting received and
stored documents
, 206, 208
Delivering files received by fax
, 266
Density (contrast)
, 58
Destination key
, 76, 78
, 49
Displaying a preview
, 230
Displaying confirmation of transmission
, 24
Document Server
, 251
Dual Access
, 20
Edit Cover Sheet..., 259
Edit Dest.
, 67, 70
Editing Address Book
, 254
Editing fax cover sheets
, 258
Editing programmed destinations
, 256
E-mail Address
, 90
E-mail subject
, 32
E-mail text
, 155
E-mail TX Results
, 101, 128, 193
E-mail TX results
, 252
Enable H.323
, 9
Enable SIP
, 9
Entering an e-mail address
, 70
Entering an IP-Fax destination
, 67
Entering a pause
, 65
Entering a tone
, 66
Entering numbers using the number keys
, 64
Expansion memory
, 274
External telephone
, 99, 152
Extra G3 interface unit
, 274
Facsimile Features, 9
Facsimile key
, 5, 152
, 14
Fax Destination
, 87
Fax Header Print
, 144
Fax via computer
, 239
File List
, 229
File Name
, 225
First Name
, 144
Folder Transfer Result Report
, 9
, 9
Forwarding destination
, 159
Forwarding received documents
, 159
Full mode
, 33, 263
Function list
, 9
Functions not available by
e-mail reception
, 32
Functions not available by
e-mail transmission
, 31
Functions not available for
IP-Fax transmission
, 28
G3, 61
G3 Auto
, 61
Gatekeeper (VoIP gatekeeper)
, 27
Gateway (VoIP gateway)
, 27
General Settings
, 9