128 www.xilinx.com Virtex-5 FPGA ML561 User Guide
UG199 (v1.2) April 19, 2008
Appendix C: LCD Interface
• The voltage follower and voltage regulator are set to:
♦ Five times boost mode
♦ The V4, V3, V2, V1, and V0 outputs depend on the bias settings of 1/9 or 1/7.
Because of these default settings, the following display controller connections are not used:
• DISP: Turns into an output when Master mode is selected
• FRS: Static driver segment output
• M: Used in Master/Slave display configurations
• CL: Clock pin used in Master/Slave display configurations
When RESETB is Low, the display controller is initialized as indicated in Table C-3.
When RESETB is High, the display must be initialized. The first steps to be taken to
guarantee correct operation of the display and the controller are:
• Configure the ADC bit. This bit determines the scanning direction of the segments.
♦ When the RESETB signal is active, ADC is reset to 0, meaning that the segments
are scanned from SEG1 up to SEG132.
♦ When ADC is set to 1, the segments are scanned in opposite direction.
• Configure the SHL bit. This bit sets the scanning direction of the COM lines.
♦ When the RESETB signal is active, SHL is reset to 0, meaning that the segments
are scanned from COM1 up to COM64.
♦ When SHL is set to 1, the common lines are scanned in opposite direction.
Table C-3: Display Controller Initialization (RESETB is Low)
Parameter Initial Value
Display OFF
Entire Display OFF
ADC Select OFF
Reverse Display OFF
Power Control 0,0,0 (VC, VR, VF)
LCD Bias 1/7
Read-Modify-Write OFF
SHL Select OFF
Static Indicator Mode OFF
Static Indicator Register 0,0 (S1, S0)
Display Start 0 (First line)
Column Address 0
Page Address 0
Regulator Select 0,0,0 (R2, R1, R0)
Reference Voltage OFF
Reference Voltage Register 1,0,0,0,0,0 (SV5, SV4, SV3, SV2, SV1, SV0)