PCI-X v5.1 165 Getting Started Guide www.xilinx.com 13
UG158 March 24, 2008
Chapter 1
Getting Started
The Initiator/Target core for PCI-X provides a fully verified, pre-implemented PCI-X bus
interface targeted for devices based on the Virtex architecture. This chapter provides
information about the example design, resources for additional documentation, obtaining
technical support, and providing feedback to Xilinx about the core and its documentation.
System Requirements
• Windows XP® Professional 32-bit/64-bit
• Windows Vista® Business 32-bit/64-bit
• Red Hat® Enterprise Linux WS v4.0 32-bit/64-bit
• Red Hat® Enterprise Desktop v5.0 32-bit/64-bit
(with Workstation Option)
• SUSE Linux Enterprise (SLE) v10.1 32-bit/64-bit
• ISE™ software v10.1 with applicable service sack
Check the release notes for the required service pack; I
SE software service packs can be
downloaded from www.xilinx.com/xlnx/xil_sw_updates_home.jsp?update=sp
About the Example Design
The example design is a simple user application. It is provided as a training tool and
design flow test. The example design consists of the user application Userapp, and
supporting files for simulation and implementation.
The Userapp example design includes a test bench capable of generating simple read and
write transactions. This stimulation generation capability is used to set up the
configuration space of the design, and then perform some simple transactions. In addition,
a special configuration file is provided with the Userapp design, and the test bench makes
assumptions about the size and number of base address registers used.
You can change the core options related to implementation—options that relate to the
selected FPGA architecture. However, do not change core options that alter the functional
behavior of the core; such change may cause unpredictable results when you simulate the
example design. For custom designs, you have the flexibility to change the core
configuration as described in the Initiator/Target v5.1 for PCI-X User Guide.