50 www.xilinx.com SPI-4.2 Lite v4.3 User Guide
UG181 June 27, 2008
Chapter 3: Generating the Core
Calendar COE File Format
The initial contents of the calendar can be assigned by specifying the desired information
in a separate text file called a COE file. To select and load a COE file, first create the desired
coe file, select Load Coefficients on the parameterization window, and choose the desired
file from the file dialog box. An example COE file for a 12-channel SPI-4.2 Lite core with a
round-robin calendar and a calendar length of 12 (SnkCalendar_Len = "11" or
SrcCalendar_Len = "11") follows:
When specifying the initial contents for the calendar in a coe file, the keywords
The MEMORY_INITIALIZATION_VECTOR takes the form of a sequence of comma-
separated values, one value per calendar entry, terminated by a semicolon. These values
are listed in ascending order, where the first entry in the
MEMORY_INITIALIZATION_VECTOR is the first entry in the calendar. Any amount of
white space, including new lines, can be included in the vector to enhance readability. The
format of an individual value in the vector depends on the
MEMORY_INITIALIZATION_RADIX value, which can be 2, 10, or 16 (the default value is
10). The vector must be consistent with the MEMORY_INITIALIZATION_RADIX value and
each value must fall within the range of 0 to 255 (base 10).
Note that the number of entries in the coe file is not required to be the same as calendar
length specified in the GUI. If the calendar length is smaller than the number of entries, the
calendar sequence used in the core will be a subset of the calendar sequence specified in
the coe file. This subset will contain calendar entries 0 to Calendar Length-1 from the COE
file. If the calendar length is larger than the number of entries, the calendar sequence
specified in the coe file will be padded with zeros to match the calendar length.