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01X Owner’s Manual
Parameter Lists
Two input, two output stereo delay with crossed feedback loop.
Two input, two output chorus effect.
Two input, two output flange effect.
Parameter Range Description
DELAY L 0.0–1350.0 ms Left channel delay time
DELAY R 0.0–1350.0 ms Right channel delay time
FB.DLY L 0.0–1350.0 ms Left channel feedback delay time
FB.DLY R 0.0–1350.0 ms Right channel feedback delay time
FB. G L –99 to +99% Left channel feedback gain (plus values for normal-phase feedback, minus values for reverse-phase feedback)
FB. G R –99 to +99% Right channel feedback gain (plus values for normal-phase feedback, minus values for reverse-phase feedback)
L->R FBG –99 to +99%
Left to right channel feedback gain (plus values for normal-phase feedback, minus values for reverse-phase feed-
R->L FBG –99 to +99%
Right to left channel feedback gain (plus values for normal-phase feedback, minus values for reverse-phase feed-
HI. RATIO 0.1–1.0 High-frequency feedback ratio
HPF THRU, 21.2 Hz–8.00 kHz High-pass filter cutoff frequency
LPF 50.0 Hz–16.0 kHz, THRU Low-pass filter cutoff frequency
Parameter Range Description
FREQ. 0.05–40.00 Hz Modulation speed
AM DEPTH 0–100% Amplitude modulation depth
PM DEPTH 0–100% Pitch modulation depth
MOD. DLY 0.0–500.0 ms Modulation delay time
WAVE Sine, Tri Modulation waveform
LSH F 21.2 Hz–8.00 kHz Low shelving filter frequency
LSH G –12.0 to +12.0 dB Low shelving filter gain
EQ F 100 Hz–8.00 kHz EQ (peaking type) frequency
EQ G –12.0 to +12.0 dB EQ (peaking type) gain
EQ Q 10.0–0.10 EQ (peaking type) bandwidth
HSH F 50.0 Hz–16.0 kHz High shelving filter frequency
HSH G –12.0 to +12.0 dB High shelving filter gain
Parameter Range Description
FREQ. 0.05–40.00 Hz Modulation speed
DEPTH 0–100% Modulation depth
MOD. DLY 0.0–500.0 ms Modulation delay time
FB. GAIN –99 to +99% Feedback gain (plus values for normal-phase feedback, minus values for reverse-phase feedback)
WAVE Sine, Tri Modulation waveform
LSH F 21.2 Hz–8.00 kHz Low shelving filter frequency
LSH G –12.0 to +12.0 dB Low shelving filter gain
EQ F 100 Hz–8.00 kHz EQ (peaking type) frequency
EQ G –12.0 to +12.0 dB EQ (peaking type) gain
EQ Q 10.0–0.10 EQ (peaking type) bandwidth
HSH F 50.0 Hz–16.0 kHz High shelving filter frequency
HSH G –12.0 to +12.0 dB High shelving filter gain