Panel Operation and Displays
Utility Displays
DME64N/DME24N Owner’s Manual
Protocol (MIDI Protocol Setup)
Displays/sets the protocol to be used for communication
with devices connected via MIDI. The available settings
are: MIDI, DAW(Type1), and DAW(Type2).
MIDI: Use this setting when any MIDI device other
than a general-purpose ProTools controller (HUI
protocol) or general-purpose Logic or Cubase
controller (Mackie control protocol) is to be
DAW (Type1): Use this setting when a general-
purpose ProTools controller (HUI protocol) is to be
DAW (Type2): Use this setting when a general-
purpose Logic or Cubase controller (Mackie control
protocol) is to be connected.
Edit using the “List Parameters” editing procedure
described on page 38.
Refer to the DAW controller owner’s manual as well as
the DME Designer manual for setup details.
The following parameters are available when the
Protocol parameter is set to MIDI.
Specifies the device’s MIDI transmit and receive channel:
1 ~ 16.
Edit using the “List Parameters” editing procedure
described on page 38.
Program Change
Turns transmission and reception, the omni mode, and
echo ON or OFF for MIDI program change messages.
Move the cursor to the required parameter, then press
the [ENTER] button to alternately turn ON and OFF.
Control Change
Turns transmission and reception, the omni mode, and
echo ON or OFF for MIDI control change messages.
Move the cursor to the required parameter, then press
the [ENTER] button to alternately turn ON and OFF.
Parameter Change
Turns transmission and reception, and echo ON or OFF
for MIDI parameter change messages.
Move the cursor to the required parameter, then press
the [ENTER] button to alternately turn ON and OFF.
Word Clock Setup (WCLK) Page
Shows the status of incoming word clock signals, and
allows setup of the DME64N/24N master word clock.
Master Clock Selection Procedure
1. Use the cursor [ E ], [ ], [ ], [ F ], buttons
to select one of the square blocks
representing the available master clock
2. Press the [ENTER] button to select the
master clock.
The current sampling frequency of the master word
clock. The value shown here is determined by the
system’s master word clock signal. To select the word
clock to be used as the master, move the cursor to the
appropriate word clock indication in this display – the
[WORD CLOCK IN] clock, the cascade clock, or a slot
clock, for example – and press the [ENTER] button.
Sets the frequency of the internal word clock – 44.1 kHz,
48 kHz, 88.2 kHz, or 96 kHz.
Shows the status of the word clock signal at the [WORD
CLOCK IN] connector.
Shows the status of the word clock signal at the
[CASCADE IN] and [CASCADE OUT] connectors.
“DAW” stands for “Digital Audio Workstation.” ProTools,
Logic, and Cubase are DAW applications, and this
parameter provides direct compatibility with a number of
physical controls surfaces that are available for use with
these DAW software packages.
This page will not be displayed on the ICP1.