2 New Functions in MOTIF XF Version 1.10
NOTE This operation will cancel the link between all the Voices and the
edited Waveform on the Sampling Memory, then make a new link
between the same Voices and the Waveform copied to the Flash
Memory Expansion Module.
Additional menus in Sampling Edit/Sampling
Main display
With this new version, “[F3] Normalize,” “[F4] Slice,” and “[F5]
Remix” have been added to the Sampling Edit display and
Sampling Main display respectively, allowing you to more easily
call up these displays.
Increasing the available memory of the Flash
Memory Expansion Module
A new Sampling Job now lets you increase the available
memory of the Flash Memory Expansion Module.
1 From the [F3] Other display of the Sampling Job,
select “05: Delete Same Name Waveforms” then
press [ENTER].
2 Select the target memory (“USR”, “FL1” or “FL2”)
at , then select the Waveform number at .
All the Waveforms having the same name are listed on the
“Same Name Waveforms” section of the display.
This Job will delete all Waveforms with the same name except for
the selected Waveform, even if they contain different data.
3 Press [ENTER] to execute the Job.
This operation will delete all the Waveforms with the same name
except for the selected Waveform.
This operation will cancel the link status between the Voices and
deleted Waveforms, then make a new link between the same
Voices and the undeleted Waveforms respectively.
Revision of Key Bank number assignment after
The method of the Key Bank number assignment has been
changed from the previous version. In the previous version, “1”
was assigned to the Key Bank of the latest Sampling and the
rest of the Key Bank numbers were increased by 1. In this new
version, the next number is assigned to the Key Bank of the
latest Sampling.