26 Advanced uses (2) – Editing functions –
ProR3 Digital Reverberator
Reverb + Pitch Change (Rev + Pit)
Key Parameter Value Description
REV RevTime 0.3 ~ 99.0s
Refer to “Reverberation” items on page 18
REV IniDelay 0.1 ~ 200.0 ms
REV HighRatio X0.1 ~ X1.0
REV LowRatio X0.1 ~ X2.4
REV Diffusion 0 ~ 10
PIT Pitch 1 ↓Oct ~ ↑Oct Shift amount of pitch 1
PIT Pitch 2 ↓Oct ~ ↑Oct Shift amount of pitch 2
PIT Fine 1 –100 ~ +100 cent Fine adjustment to shift amount of pitch 1
PIT Fine 2 –100 ~ +100 cent Fine adjustment to shift amount of pitch 2
PIT Delay 1 0.1 ~ 300.0 ms Pitch 1 delay time
PIT Delay 2 0.1 ~ 300.0 ms Pitch 2 delay time
PIT Feedback 1 0 ~ 99% Pitch 1 feedback amount
PIT Feedback 2 0 ~ 99% Pitch 2 feedback amount
PIT Pan 1 L16 ~ R16 Pitch 1 pan position
PIT Pan 2 L16 ~ R16 Pitch 2 pan position
PIT/REV Balance *1
*1 Only when REV Patch is parallel (Reverb + Pitch)
0/100 ~ 100/0 Level balance of reverb and pitch change
REV Rev Mix *2
*2 Only when REV Patch is serial (Reverb → Pitch, Pitch → Reverb)
0 ~ 100% Reverb amount
REV Reverb Type *3
*3 Hall, Room, Vocal, Plate
Type of reverb tone
REV Density 0 ~ 100 Density of reverb
REV HPF Thru, 40 Hz ~ 1.0 kHz Cutoff frequency of reverb high pass filter
REV LPF 400 Hz ~ 20 kHz, Thru Cutoff frequency of reverb low pass filter
REV Space Mod 0 ~ 10 Modulation level of reverb
PIT Pitch Balance 0 ~ 100% Balance of direct sound and pitch shifted sound
PIT Base Key OFF, C1 ~ C6 *5
REV Patch *4
*4 Reverb + Pitch, Pitch → Reverb, Reverb → Pitch
*5 Set this parameter when you wish to use note messages from a MIDI keyboard etc. to control the pitch difference
between the input sound and the pitch shifted sound.
The pitch difference between the input sound and the pitch shifted sound will be determined by the pitch difference
between the Base Key specified by this parameter and the note-on message that is received. For example if the Base
Key is set to C4, an incoming note-on message of C3 would shift the pitch down one octave, and an incoming note-
on message of D4 would shift the pitch up a whole step.
*MIDI note number 60 is considered C3.
* The range of the actual pitch change is ±1 octave, so even if the specified pitch difference exceeds 1 octave, the
resulting pitch change will stay within this range.
* If Base Key is set OFF, MIDI note-on messages will not control the pitch.
*When using MIDI note-on messages to control the amount of the pitch shift, the pitch of the last-input note-on
message will set the Pitch parameter.
Selection of effect combination
Common parameters Refer to “Common parameters” on page 27