10 CP5/CP50 Reference Manual
Internal Design of the CP5 & CP50 > Song Setting Area
Song Setting Area
The Song Setting area is used to record and play MIDI sequences and audio files for use as Performance backing
tracks. MIDI sequences can take the form of built-in Preset Drum Patterns (playback only) or User Songs that you can
both record and play. Meanwhile, the Song Setting area’s audio functions allow you to record Wave files to a USB flash-
memory device and to play back Wave files previously stored on such a device.
Recording MIDI & Audio Data
Recording of User Songs and Wave files is carried out using the Record screen (page 37). In the case of User Songs,
you record your keyboard performance as MIDI data, and this can be played back using the sound created by the cur-
rent Performance’s left and right parts. When creating Wave files for direct storage as audio data on a USB flash-memory
device, meanwhile, you can record your keyboard performance together with the Preset Drum Pattern or User Song set
as the backing track. It should be noted that Preset Drum Patterns cannot be re-recorded as MIDI data on the stage
piano, and that recorded MIDI data cannot be stored as Preset Drum Patterns.
Playing MIDI & Audio Data
For each Performance, you can choose a single Preset Drum Pattern, User Song, or Wave file for playback as a backing
track, and this selection is made on the Song Setting screen (page 35). The actual part(s) that will be used for playback
will depend on the type of backing track that you select. Preset Drum Patterns and Wave files are handled by the TRACK
part (page 7) from the Tone Generator’s currently-selected Performance, and within this part, you can set the backing
track’s volume, pan, and effect send level.
Preset Drum Patterns are MIDI sequences that play built-in drum kit sounds totally unrelated to the voices selected for
the Performance’s left and right parts; therefore, they will always play back using the drum kit sounds selected on the
Song Setting screen, regardless of left and right part settings. User Songs, on the other hand, are handled by left and
right parts (page 5), and for this reason, the sound that they produce will be affected by these parts’ voice and effect set-
tings. As these MIDI sequences are recorded using the sound of the left and right parts, they function perfectly as back-
ing tracks for the corresponding Performance.
Song Setting Area
MIDI record
and play
User Songs
Preset Drum
Audio record
and play
USB flash-memory device
Tone Generator
Audio output
Parts available on CP5 only.