■ Effect Types
Function Parameters
No. Parameter Name Display Name Range/Settings
F31 Reverb On/Off Reverb on, off
F32 Reverb Type RevType (See “Reverb Type”
list below.)
F33 Chorus On/Off Chorus on, off
F34 Chorus Type ChoType (See “Chorus Type”
list below.)
F35 DSP On/Off Dsp on, off
F36 DSP Type DspType (See “DSP Type” list
F37 Arpeggiator On/Off Arpgator on, off
F38 Arpeggiator Type ArpgType (See “Arpeggiator
Type” list below.)
This turns the Reverb effect on/off. (This is the same
function as that of the REVERB button. It can also be
controlled by a connected footswitch; see page 21.)
(See “Reverb Type” list below.)
This turns the Chorus effect on/off. This can also be
controlled by a connected footswitch. (See page
(See “Chorus Type” list below.)
This turns the DSP effect on/off. This can also be
controlled by a connected footswitch. (See page
(See “DSP Type” list below.)
This turns the Arpeggiator effect on/off. (This is the
same function as that of the ARPEGGIATOR button.
It can also be controlled by a connected footswitch;
see page 21.)
(See “Arpeggiator Type” list below.)
Arpeggiator Types
No. Name LCD Display
1 Techno-A Techno-A
2 Techno-B Techno-B
3 Techno-C Techno-C
4 Techno-D Techno-D
5 Dance/House DAHouse
6 Syncopation Syncopa
7 BaseLine BaseLine
8 Echo Echo
9 Techno echo TekkEcho
10 Sweep Sweep
11 Pulse Pulse
12 Up Up
13 Down Down
14 Up & Down (A) UpDownA
15 Up & Down (B) UpDownB
16 Random Random
Typical Eurobeat techno pattern.
Typical UK techno pattern.
Typical Japanese techno pattern.
Typical German techno pattern.
Syncopated dance or house music pattern.
Syncopated pattern with extreme octave jumps.
Arpeggio pattern especially suited for bass. (Best with just one or two
Two-measure pattern with echo effect.
Techno pattern with echo effect.
Two-measure pattern with extreme octave jumps.
Two-measure pattern with extreme octave jumps; works well with one
note held in lower octave (for bass pulse).
Arpeggio pattern of ascending notes (for all notes held).
Arpeggio pattern of descending notes (for all notes held).
Arpeggio pattern (version A) of ascending and descending notes (for all
notes held).
Arpeggio pattern (version B) of ascending and descending notes (for all
notes held).
Random arpeggio pattern (for all notes held).