STEP 15:
Add Amplitude Modulation to OP2
As a final enhancement to our voice, let’s add just a touch of amplitude modulation
to OP2—the main piano sound modulator. This will create a subtle chorus effect.
Select the LFO WAVE parameter, set to triangle.
Select the LFO SPEED parameter, set to 28.
Select the AMD (Amplitude Modulation Depth) parameter, set to 52.
Select the MODULATION SENSITIVITY, AMPLITUDE parameter, set to 1 for OP2
only (press the OPERATOR/AMS ON-OFF button).
Now try the voice. That’s it! Name the new voice, if you like, by entering the
FUNCTION mode and using the VOICE NAME function. The only step that remains
is to store our new voice in a RAM memory location.
STEP 16:
Store Completed Voice in RAM
Press the INTERNAL button, then BEFORE DOING ANYTHING ELSE: hold down
the STORE button and press the voice selector to which you wish to store the
new voice.
As a final precaution, go back to the FUNCTION mode and turn