IMX644 Manager Owner’s Manual
) [BAL] button
This opens the “BALANCE” dialog box, allowing you to specify the volume balance between outputs A/B (L/R) of OUTPUT
channels 1 and 2.
Click the [CLOSE] button to close the dialog box.
! Output level meter, output SIGNAL/PEAK indicator
Output level meters
Displays the levels of the signal being output via OUTPUT channels 1 and 2.
Output SIGNAL/PEAK indicators
The SIGNAL/PEAK indicators show the output signal for OUTPUT channels 3 and 4.
If the top segment (PEAK) of the level meter lights red, or if the PEAK indicator lights red, the output signal level is at the
allowable maximum. Lower the input volume or the output volume.
@ OUT 1–4, REC OUT
These indicate the output channels and their names. Click a name to access the “Output Port Name” dialog box, where you can
edit the name of the channel.
# MEMORY [A]–[D] buttons
When you click a button [A]–[D], the memory assigned to that button will be recalled and the parameter settings will be
switched accordingly.
This is the same function as the IMX644’s MEMORY [A]–[D] buttons.
Use the MISC screen (page 21) to assign a memory to each button. Memories A through D all contain the same settings when
the unit is shipped from the factory.
“BALANCE” dialog box
Here you can adjust the volume balance between outputs A/B (L/R).
Right-click the [BALANCE] knob and continue holding down the mouse button to decrease the
A (L) volume; left-click and hold down the mouse button to decrease the B (R) volume. Double-
click to reset the value to center.
Parameter Range Default
Balance 0dB – -20.1dB 0dB
Press (hold) the left button Press (hold) the right button