Yamaha Commercial Audio M7CL StageMix User Guide V1.5
Page 7
iv. Enter the M7CL MAC address noted in 3.1. When entering the MAC
Address, the colons between sets of characters will be automatically
added by StageMix.
v. Press the [ADD MIXER] button at the bottom of the screen
3.3.3 Select a Mixer and Begin Working
If your iPad has been configured to work with an M7CL console, select the
mixer from the list and press [CONNECT].
The message “Syncing With M7CL…” will appear while StageMix is obtaining
parameters from the console. This process will normally take about 5 to 10
seconds. After this process is complete, the Mixer window will appear and
StageMix is ready to be used.
If StageMix cannot connect with your M7CL, refer to the Troubleshooting section
(5.0) at the end of this document for possible solutions.