
to be set to expect to receive via ASIO. What is
meant here is the following…if you setup the
mLAN Driver as instructed here, then open an
audio project that was created using “WDM/KS” as
the audio device – it is possible that the computer
will crash. Or at least you will need to make new
settings to the software and then you will have to
restart the DAW.
What to do with a Graphic Patchbay “ERROR”
that will not go away:
From time to time you will discover you have a
red “ERROR” illuminated on one or more of the
Node devices in the Graphic Patchbay (by the
way: make it a habit to check all three graphic
views: Audio, MIDI and Wordclock – because the
error could be in one view and not the others).
First thing to try is the UPDATE icon (it is the next
to the last of the toolbar icons). This has the
Graphic Patchbay go and re-scan the mLAN
devices. You will see a progress bar but give the
system a few seconds after it disappears to sort
itself out. Remember mLAN is working on the
kernel level of your computer. Be patient –
sometimes it can take several seconds for the
system to sort itself out. Give it time and see if
the error disappears on it own.
If there is still no resolution to the error, you can
click on the red error box and have the error
identified. Sometimes it may appear that you
have done everything correctly and still you get
an error. In this case, shut down the software
(saving if necessary), shut down the Editors,
Graphic Patchbay and all other programs running.
Then turn OFF the mLAN Driver and reboot the
computer. Sometimes this is the best strategy and
will most often solve that curious, persistent
Final Word: The examples given in this article are
for the purpose of learning about the system and
by no means are meant to suggest you have to
work like this. mLAN is a very flexible system.
Your understanding of the tools will dictate the
way that you will work. Enjoy!
Phil Clendeninn
Senior Product Specialist
Technology Products
Pro Audio & Combo Division
©Yamaha Corporation of America