Quick Guide
MW10 Owner's Manual
5 The ASIO Multimedia Setup – Advanced
Options window will appear. Check only
the input port and output port [USB Audio
CODEC] checkbox.
6 Click [OK] in the ASIO Multimedia Setup –
Advanced Options, ASIO Multimedia
Setup, and Device Setup dialog windows
to close the windows.
7 Select [VST Inputs] in the [Devices] menu.
The VST Inputs window will open. Engage
the Port [USB Audio CODEC] Active
button ( ), and close the VST Inputs
8 Select [New project] from the [File] menu
to create a new project file.
The New Project dialog window will open. For this
example select [24 Track Audio Recorder] and click
n Recorded Cubase LE data is stored as a "project
file" for each song.
9 When the directory selection dialog
window appears, select the folder to
which the project and audio files for the
project are to be stored, and click [OK].
An empty 24-audio-track project window will appear.
Preparing to Record
1 Click in the track list (the area in which the
track names are displayed) to select a
track to record on.
For this example select [Audio 01]. The various
settings for the selected track are available in the
Inspector on the left side of the display.
n If the Inspector is not showing, click the [Show
Inspector] button ( ) in the upper left area of the
project window.
[Show Inspector] button
[Stereo Switch] button