• Set Upper Gender Depth to “+00”.
• Set the ‘Lower Gender Depth to -20
(minus values move toward Barry
White; positive values toward
• Lead-Harmony to L63>H
*The idea of this setting is to get a
monotone, robotic sounding effect. At this
point you are ready to determine what
pitch the PLG board will drive by simply
playing a key on the MOTIF.
Please feel free to experiment with a
parameter. Certain parameters will work
together. For example, with the Pitch
Correction ON – the VH will force the ‘lead’
voice to the pitch you play on the keyboard
when you select a Lead Gender Type,
male/female. The Threshold parameters
will set sensitivity for the male or female,
or upper and lower voices.
Keep in mind, how you ‘shape’ your words
(shape of the mouth), the register of your
voices and volume that you speak or sing
into the microphone, all determine the
results of the synthesized voice(s). This
allows endless and unique performance
This next example will use the PLG100-
VH’s CHORDAL harmony type.
To do this:
• Follow STEPS 1-3 of “3 Easy Steps
To Using The A/D Input and the
PLG100-VH” and select CHORDAL
in “Step 3”.
In general, the Chordal Type will allow you
to simply play the chords and have the
Harmony effect - automatically sort out the
suitable notes. Select the parts that the
synth voice will create: duet, trio, above,
above & below, below, etc.
The same setup method can be applied for
using DETUNE and CHROMATIC types.
Additional settings can be altered within all
of the Harmony Types to change the type
of voicing of the harmonization, gender
type of the harmonies, and detuning,
transposition and pitch correction
You must name and save the
PERFORMANCE to retain these changes.
Backup your data in an ALL Data file to an
optional SmartMedia Card or SCSI storage
device. Performance data can be stored in
the ALL data type file (.w2a), or bulked to
an external device as system exclusive
Can I record this wacky stuff in the
Motif Integrated Sampling Sequencer?
That’s a fair question whose answer may or
may not be what you expect. Because the
Motif does not route incoming signals
through the effect processors when it
samples (it does when you resample), you
cannot record yourself using the Vocal
Harmony, directly. However, that said,
once you lay down your vocal you can
process it like any other signal through the
VH processor and resample that to an
audio track. By assigning the Harmony
parts to follow a specific MIDI channel you
can ‘orchestrate’ your backing vocals with
any track containing the controlling note
Visit www.Motifator.com and download the
files called VH_PLG_2.w2a and
VH_PLG_2.w3a and transfer them to your
SmartMedia card or SCSI drive. There are
15 examples. 10 are Chordal setups, 1
Detune, and 4 are Vocoder examples. Also
you will find several Songs and Patterns
setup to use the various setups.
Duet Above Chordal
Duet Below
Duet Above & Below
Trio Above
Trio Above & Below
Trio Below
Trio Above & Below + Bass
Quartet Above
Quartet Above & Below
Quartet Below
Detune Detune
Vocoder Vocoder
Tony Escueta and Phil Clendeninn
File examples prepared by Athan Billias
Digital Product Support Group
©Yamaha Corporation of America