About the “PM1D Manager for Windows operating manual”
About the “PM1D Manager for Windows operating manual”
PM1D Manager for Windows (subsequently referred to
as “PM1D Manager”) is an application program that
runs on a computer running Microsoft Windows (subse-
quently referred to as the “PC”), providing the same
operating environment as the software of the CS1D
(subsequently referred to as the “console”).
By using PM1D Manager, you can create various types of
settings even when you are away from the console, and
use a memory card (*) or other means to load settings
into the console at a later time. In addition, you can con-
nect the console/engine (DSP1D-EX {DSP1D}) to your
PC, and use it to control the entire system in the same
way as from the console.
This manual explains only items that are specific to
PM1D Manager; how to install the program, how to
connect your PC to the console/engine, and functional
limitations of operations from the PC.
For details on basic operation in each screen, please refer
to the “CS1D Reference Manual (Software)” contained
in the CS1D Owner’s Manual.
For details on terminology and basic operation for Win-
dows, please refer to the manual or Help files included
with Windows.
*For details on the memory cards that can be used, refer to
“CS1D Operation Manual (Basic Operation)” p.144, and
“CS1D Reference Manual (Hardware)” p.80 contained in
the CS1D Owner’s Manual.
Conventions in the “PM1D Manager for Windows operating manual”
Distinguishing between the controls of the console
and the knobs/buttons of the software
The names of controls on the console (switches,
encoders) are enclosed in square brackets [ ] in order
to distinguish them from the knobs and buttons that
are displayed by the software.
Example: This is the same function as the DIRECT
RECALL [1]–[12] switches in the SCENE MEM-
ORY block of the console.
Va rious icons
The left icon is used to indicate tips and ref-
erence pages.
Particularly important items or operations
you must use with care are marked by the
left icon.
System requirements
The following system is required in order to start up PM1D Manager.
An IBM PC/AT compatible computer with at least a
Pentium II 233 Mhz or equivalent CPU (Pentium II
350 Mhz or faster is recommended)
64 MB or more memory (128 MB or more is recom-
Supported operating systems:
Microsoft Windows 95 OSR2 or later / Microsoft
Windows 98 / Microsoft Windows 98 Second Edition
/ Microsoft Windows Me / Microsoft Windows NT
4.0 Service Pack 6a or later / Microsoft Windows
2000 / Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition /
Microsoft Windows XP Professional
*Microsoft Windows NT 3.51 and earlier versions
are not supported
* USB connection cannot be used in Microsoft
Windows 95 OSR2 / Microsoft Windows NT 4.0
Internet Explorer 4.0 or later must be installed
A display system with resolution of at least 800 x 600
pixels and 16 bit color (SVGA, High Color)
Hard disk free area of 10 MB or more
Mouse or other pointing device
CD-ROM drive
Serial port or USB port
*You will need an RS-232-C cable (cross-wired)
not exceeding 5 meters, or a USB cable not
exceeding 3 meters.
An ATA compatible PC CARD slot / CF (Compact
Flash) slot, or a PC CARD / CF card reader
Depending on your system and OS, a higher level of
performance may be required. A higher level of per-
formance may also be required if you are using a
notebook PC.