Harmony Types
No. Harmony Type Display Name
1 Duet Duet
2 Trio Trio
3 Block Block
4 Country Country
5 Octave Octave
6 Trill 1/4 note Tril1/4
7 Trill 1/6 note Tril1/6
8 Trill 1/8 note Tril1/8
9 Trill 1/12 note Tril1/12
10 Trill 1/16 note Tril1/16
11 Trill 1/24 note Tril1/24
12 Trill 1/32 note Tril1/32
13 Tremolo 1/4 note Trem1/4
14 Tremolo 1/6 note Trem1/6
15 Tremolo 1/8 note Trem1/8
16 Tremolo 1/12 note Trem1/12
17 Tremolo 1/16 note Trem1/16
18 Tremolo 1/24 note Trem1/24
19 Tremolo 1/32 note Trem1/32
20 Echo 1/4 note Echo1/4
21 Echo 1/6 note Echo1/6
22 Echo 1/8 note Echo1/8
23 Echo 1/12 note Echo1/12
24 Echo 1/16 note Echo1/16
25 Echo 1/24 note Echo1/24
26 Echo 1/32 note Echo1/32
Harmony types 1 - 5 are pitch-based and add one-, two- or
three-note harmonies to the single-note melody played in the
right hand. These types only sound when chords are played in
the auto accompaniment section of the keyboard.
Types 6 - 26 are rhythm-based effects and add embellishments
or delayed repeats in time with the auto accompaniment.
These types sound whether the auto accompaniment is on or
not; however, the actual speed of the effect depends on the
Tempo setting (page 76). The individual note values in each
type let you synchronize the effect precisely to the rhythm.
Triplet settings are also available: 1/6 = quarter-note triplets, 1/
12 = eighth-note triplets, 1/24 = sixteenth-note triplets.
• The Trill effect Types (6 - 12) create two-note trills (alternating
notes) when two notes are held.
• The Tremolo effect Types (13 - 19) repeat all held notes (up to
• The Echo effect Types (20 - 26) create delayed repeats of each
note played.