Accessory CD-ROM Installation Guide
PSR-K1 Owner’s Manual
The following is a legal agreement between you, the end user,
and Yamaha Corporation (“Yamaha”). The enclosed Yamaha soft
ware program is licensed by Yamaha to the original purchaser for
use only on the terms set forth herein. Please read this licensing
agreement with care. Opening this package indicates that you
accept all terms outlined herein. If you do not agree to the terms,
return this package unopened to Yamaha for a full refund.
Yamaha grants you, the original purchaser, the right to use one copy
of the enclosed software program and data (“SOFTWARE”) on a sin
gle-user computer system. You may not use it on more than one com-
puter or computer terminal. The SOFTWARE is owned by Yamaha
and is protected by Japanese copyright laws and all applicable inter
national treaty provisions. You are entitled to claim ownership of the
media in which the SOFTWARE is included. Therefore, you must
treat the SOFTWARE like any other copyrighted materials.
The SOFTWARE program is copyrighted. You may not engage in
reverse engineering or reproduction of the SOFTWARE by other
conceivable methods. You may not reproduce, modify, change, rent,
lease, resell, or distribute the SOFTWARE in whole or in part, or cre
ate derivative works from the SOFTWARE. You may not transmit or
network the SOFTWARE with other computers. You may transfer
ownership of the SOFTWARE and the accompanying written materi
als on a permanent basis provided that you retain no copies and the
recipient agrees to the terms of the licensing agreement.
The licensing condition of the software program becomes effective
on the day that you receive the SOFTWARE. If any one of the copy
right laws or clauses of the licensing conditions is violated, the
licensing agreement shall be terminated automatically without notice
from Yamaha. In this case, you must destroy the licensed SOFT
WARE and its copies immediately.
Yamaha warrants to the original purchaser that if the SOFTWARE,
when used in normal conditions, will not perform the functions
described in the manual provided by Yamaha, the sole remedy will be
that Yamaha will replace any media which proves defective in materi
als or workmanship on an exchange basis without charge. Except as
expressly set forth above, the SOFTWARE is provided “as is,” and no
other warranties, either expressed or implied, are made with respect
to this software, including, without limitation the implied warranties
of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.
Your sole remedies and Yamaha’s entire liability are as set forth
above. In no event will Yamaha be liable to you or any other person
for any damages, including without limitation any incidental or con
sequential damages, expenses, lost profits, lost savings or other dam-
ages arising out of the use or inability to use such SOFTWARE even
if Yamaha or an authorized dealer has been advised of the possibility
of such damages, or for any claim by any other party.
This license agreement shall be interpreted according to and gov-
erned by Japanese laws.
Depending on the Macintosh and operating system version
that you are using, the included studio setup file for the
MIDI instrument still may not work even after you have
performed the above steps. (MIDI transmission and recep-
tion will not be possible even if the setup is valid.)
In this case, use the following procedure to re-create the
setup file.
ᕡ Connect the MIDI instrument and Macintosh via USB
cable, and turn on the power of the MIDI instrument.
ᕢ Start up OMS Setup, and from the “File” menu, choose
“New setup.”
ᕣ The OMS driver search dialog box will appear.
Uncheck both [Modem] and [Printer] if you are using a
USB connection.
ᕤ Click the [Find] button to search for the device.
When a device has been found, the OMS Driver Setting
dialog box will display “USB-MIDI.”
• If the device was found correctly, click the [OK]
button to proceed.
• If the device was not found, re-check that the cable
connections are correct, and repeat the procedure
from step ᕡ.
ᕥ Make sure that the port is shown below the device that
was found. (This will be a name such as USB-MIDI.)
Check the check box for the port, and then click the
[OK] button.
ᕦ A dialog box will appear, allowing you to name the file
that will be saved. Input the desired filename, and click
This completes the OMS setup.
ᕧ From the “Studio” menu, choose “Test,” and click the
port icon.
If a channel sounds on the MIDI instrument, the system
is operating correctly.
For details on using OMS, refer to “OMS_***_Mac.pdf,”
included with OMS.