Plug-in Common Controller
You can set Pitch Bend Wheel, Modulation Wheel and
other Controller parameters for the Plug-in Voices in
the following nine screens.
CTL Pitch (Pitch Bend)
CTL Set1 (Control Set 1)
CTL Set2 (Control Set 2)
CTL MW Control (MW Control Depth)
CTL MW Modulation (MW Modulation Depth)
CTL AT Control (AT Control Depth)
CTL AT Modulation (AT Modulation Depth)
CTL AC Control (AC Control Depth)
CTL AC Modulation (AC Modulation Depth)
CTL Pitch (Pitch Bend)
You can set the Pitch Bend Range and Portamento for
the Plug-in Voice here. Portamento creates a smooth
transition from the pitch of the first note played to the
pitch of the next.
■ Pitch Bend
Set the amount (in semitones) by which the pitch of
the note is varied when you move the Pitch Bend
Wheel up/down. For example, if you set a value of
+12, the pitch will change up by up to an octave
when you move the wheel up. Conversely, if you set a
negative value, the pitch falls when you move the
wheel down.
❏ Settings: -24 ~ 0 ~ +24
■ Portamento
Switch Portamento on or off.
❏ Settings: off, on
■ Time
Set the Portamento Time, which is the speed of the
transition in pitch from the first note to the next.
❏ Settings: 0 ~ 127
CTL Set1 (Control Set 1)
CTL Set2 (Control Set 2)
These parameters are the same as for Normal Voices.
Details are given on Page 69 (The Elem SW parameter
is only available for Normal Voices).
CTL MW Control (MW Control Depth)
Here, you can set the depth of control the Modulation
Wheel has over the filter.
CTLíMW Control) Filter
Common -64
CTLíPitch) Pitch Bend Portamento Time
Common -24 on 127
■ Filter
Set the depth of control of the Modulation Wheel
over the filter cutoff frequency.
❏ Settings: -64 ~ 0 ~ +63
CTL MW Modulation
(MW Modulation Depth)
Here, you can set the depth of control the Modulation
Wheel has over the pitch, filter and amplitude
modulation of the Plug-in Voice.
■ PMod (Pitch Modulation Depth)
Set the depth of control the Modulation Wheel has
over the pitch modulation. The larger the setting,
the greater the depth of control.
❏ Settings: 0 ~ 127
■ FMod (Filter Modulation Depth)
Set the depth of control the Modulation Wheel has
over the filter cutoff modulation. The larger the
setting, the greater the depth of control.
❏ Settings: 0 ~ 127
■ AMod (Amplitude Modulation Depth)
Set the depth of control the Modulation Wheel has
over the amplitude modulation. The larger the
setting, the greater the depth of control.
❏ Settings: 0 ~ 127
CTL AT Control (AT Control Depth)
Here, you can set the depth of control keyboard
aftertouch has over the pitch and filter of the Plug-in
■ Pitch
Set the depth of control of keyboard aftertouch over
the pitch. You can set a value (in semitones) of up
to two octaves.
❏ Settings: -24 ~ 0 ~ +24
■ Filter
Set the depth of control of keyboard aftertouch over
the filter cutoff frequency.
❏ Settings: -64 ~ 0 ~ +63
CTLíAT Control) Pitch Filter
Common +24 -64
CTLíMW Modulation) PMod FMod AMod
Common 127 127 127