Function Settings
PSR-E233/YPT-230 Owner’s Manual
Function Setting List
No. Item Display
001 Style Volume StyleVol 000–127 100 Determines the volume of the Style.
002 Song Volume SongVol 000–127 100 Determines the volume of the Song.
003 Transpose Transpos -12–00–12 00
Determines the pitch of the instrument in semitone increments.
NOTE: The pitch of the Drum Kits Voices cannot be changed.
004 Tuning Tuning
440.0 (Hz)
Determines the fine tuning of the pitch of the entire instrument
in approx. 0.2Hz increments.
NOTE: The pitch of the Drum Kits Voices cannot be changed.
005 Split Point SplitPnt
54 (F#2)
Sets the Split “point”—in other words, the key that separates the
auto accompaniment range and Main voice.
Main Voice
006 Main Voice Volume M.Volume 000–127 *
Determines the volume of the Main Voice to adjust the balance
between Song playback and the notes you play on the key-
007 Main Voice Octave M.Octave -2–0–2 * Determines the octave range for the Main Voice.
Main Voice Chorus
Send Level
M.Chorus 000–127 *
Determines how much of the Main Voice’s signal is sent to the
Chorus effect.
009 Reverb Type Reverb 01–10 **
Determines the Reverb type, including off (10).
Refer to the Reverb Type list on page 41.
010 Reverb Level RevLevel 000–127 64
Determines how much of the Voice’s signal is sent to the
Reverb effect.
011 Chorus Type Chorus 1–5 **
Determines the Chorus type, including off (05).
Refer to the Chorus Type list on page 41.
012 Panel Sustain Sustain ON/OFF OFF
Determines whether or not Panel Sustain is always applied to
the Main Voices. Panel Sustain is applied continuously when
ON, or not applied when OFF.
013 Master EQ Type MasterEQ
1 Speaker
2 Flat
1 Speaker
Sets the equalizer applied to the speaker output for optimum
sound in different listening situations.
Speaker: For listening via the instrument’s built-in speakers.
Flat: For headphones, or for listening via external speakers.
014 Wide Type Wide 1–3 2
Determines the Ultra-Wide Stereo type.
Higher values produce a greater Wide effect.
015 Local On/Off Local ON/OFF ON
Determines whether the instrument’s keyboard controls the
internal tone generator (ON) or not (OFF).
Both the notes played on the instrument’s keyboard and data
received via the instrument’s MIDI terminal will be played by
the internal tone generator.
With this setting, the instrument itself produces no sound, but
the performance data is transmitted via the MIDI terminal.
Data received via the instrument’s MIDI terminal will also be
played by the internal tone generator.
016 External Clock ExtClock ON/OFF OFF
Determines whether the instrument synchronizes to the inter-
nal clock (OFF) or an external clock (ON).
017 Initial Setup Send InitSend YES/NO –
Lets you send the data of the panel settings to a computer.
Use the [+] button to transmit the data.
018 Time Signature TimeSig 00–15 **
Determines the time signature of the Metronome.
A chime will sound on the first beat of each measure while the
other beats will click. All beats will simply click with no chime at
the beginning of each measure if you set this parameter to “00”.
019 Metronome Volume MetroVol 000–127 100 Determines the volume of the Metronome.