Creating Arpeggios
16 YPT-410 Owner’s Manual
Create a Pop Tune
You can play a style and specify the style chords with your left hand while playing arpeggios with your
right hand to create interesting sonic textures and backgrounds.
1 Select the keyboard voice (page 28).
For this example we’ll use a grand piano voice, so press the [PORTABLE GRAND]
button. This convenient voice selection method lets you instantly select a voice with a
single button press.
2 After turning the arpeggio function on, select an arpeggio type (steps 1
and 2 on the preceding page).
For this example select “02 DownOct1”.
That completes preparation to use the arpeggio function.
3 Select the style you want to play along with the arpeggio function.
A “style” is an automatic accompaniment pattern.
Press the [STYLE] button and the name of the currently selected style will appear in the
display. Rotate the dial to select the desired style. For this example we’ll use the “001
8BtModrn” (8 Beat Modern) style.
• Refer to “Playing Styles” on page 33.